Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Guess what people?

Well, time flies, right? And I just realized that I have spent just about an entire year talking about the place that I love. I hope you love it by now, too. Besides spending a lot of my blog space talking about Haiti, I have been counting down the days until I can go back again... and now I'm in the 20 day stretch! I can hardly contain myself.

When I get there I am going to look for the goats. (Its not hard to find them. They are everywhere.) And I am going to welcome the sound of those stupid roosters until I'm trying to sleep. And there is nothing at all like waking up before the sun, and listening for the trucks and motos to start driving down the road. And, I get to eat spaghetti and hot dogs for breakfast... (Its a real meal they eat. And it is so delicious.) and I absolutely cannot wait for rice and beans. I'll eat dinner outside, and smell the smoke from trash burning. (I know, gross. But it became so familiar and comforting. Like a campfire.)

I cried last year when I found out that I was going to have to sleep on the airplane. Leave my children, and everything that made me feel safe. Now, its just something I will do for a night, and I know I'll survive. I dreaded the cold showers. But now, its just what I will do in Haiti. The heat isn't so bad. Neither is the humidity. (I will go in Summer, one day... then we'll see what I think of the humidity.) All of the things I thought would break me... made me a better person. I wanted to go help somebody... and instead the people there taught me more life lessons in one week than I ever learned in 32 years of my life!

So, now I get to go have a Haitian Christmas. I have spent a lot of time trying to avoid the materialism and commercialism and all the pressure to do things a certain way. Maybe I will learn something new while I am away. My family is also so very excited for me, and so sweet and supportive. We can have our special traditions when I get back, and when I come back I will have new stories to tell them. They love Haiti too.

They speak Haitian. Sort of. When dinner is ready, they yell "Manje! Manje!" and everyone comes running. They can say trash, and noodle, (Its funny, because they know the word for noodle, and think that you just add an "s" on the end to make it plural. I keep telling them that it probably doesn't work like that, but... they don't believe me. And then they ask me to give them Haitian hair. All the braids... and barretts. I wish we could all go, and they could play with the kids, and see the critters, and eat the food. One day.

So, I get to go back in 20 days, and guess what else? I GET TO GO BACK IN MARCH TOO!!! Hooray. I won't have to wait almost a whole year to go to the place that brings me to life.

So, my friends. I actually need your help. I always feel tacky asking for money, but the truth is that it costs a lot of money to go. There will be more blog posts about what we will be doing while we are there for a mission trip... this is a quick one to let you all know what I am up to, and also... time is important. I don't have a lot of time to come up with a lot of money. I just wanted to mention to you all... that if you are inclined to help you can send a check to me, and just put "Haiti Spring Break" in the memo. And if you have specific questions for me, then email me! And I will certainly be posting again (Like, before I leave in 20 DAYS!) with some more real actual facts about why I love Haiti...

Have I mentioned before that Haiti makes my heart sing?

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