Sarah has also started Kindergarten! I am incredibly blessed to be able to take on her education myself. (Though for two weeks since we've started I've questioned my sanity to take on such a monumental task!) I am amazed at how much she already knows, and how much she has soaked up since I started teaching her! (She can recognize the spelling of numbers 1-4, and match them to the numbers... is doing basic addition and subtraction with both groups of objects and the numbers, has learned about extreme weather conditions and knows about how thunder and lightning is "made." She also uses words like "mischief" and "meteorologist.") It has been exhausting and super fun!
Delilah and Simon are struggling with the change, but I think that it will ultimately result in a positive change... Lilah is showing more responsibility, trying to help with her little brothers. I tell her that she is the oldest one when Sarah is doing school, so she needs to be responsible and help them to follow the rules. (If you know Delilah, you know that she is constantly looking for trouble, and fun, fun, fun. Consequences don't seem to spur her toward behaving...) She does try to help, and has begun to wash the breakfast dishes and comb her own hair in the morning. Simon is typical "just go with it" Simon...
Stephen points at things that he wants, says "all done" in both words and baby sign. He also says "Mama" "Ow!" and "Lilah." He growls like a lion, and is going to start walking very, very soon! I am taking him off of his bottle (he gets a big boy cup once a day.)
So now, its off to the races once again!