Saturday, July 18, 2020

Cognitive Dissonance

Would you all like to get a little nerdy with me? Great.

Have we ever talked about a concept called cognitive dissonance? It is when your actions don't line up with your beliefs. The result of doing something that doesn't fit with your morals or ethics is guilt... right?

In order to rectify this phenomenon and make ourselves more comfortable with our actions we have one of three choices.

1. We can change our beliefs by acquiring new information that supports the action.
2. We can change our actions to line up with our beliefs.
3. We can avoid thinking about the issue, thus decreasing the importance of resolving the conflict.

There is a passage in scripture that touches on this concept in a spiritual way. It is found in 1 Peter 2:11. It goes like this: "Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul." 

So, here's the breakdown, in the Greek translation.
 The literal meaning of the words for foreigners and exiles is: Stranger (paroikos) and Sojouorner (parepidemos).

A paroikos (stranger) is: one who dwells in a foreign country, but does not have a settled habitation.
A parepidemos (sojourner) is: a foreigner who has settled down among the native people.

Either way, we're foreigners here on earth. We are eternal citizens of heaven who have either settled a little bit, or not, in the temporal space of earth. Paul says " strangers and sojourners abstain from sinful desires..." 

So, here is where it gets interesting. Sinful desires in greek is a little different than the image that comes to mind when I am reading it in English. I think of immorality, like stealing or lying.

In the greek it is called "fleshly desires." Fleshly (sarkikos) Desires (epithumia).

Sarkikos (fleshly) is things that are temporal.
Epithumia (desires) is lust or longing.

So, don't long for temporal things.

As eternal beings living in a temporary place, don't set your hearts on temporal things. If you do this, it will wage war against your spirits. (Or, create dissonance in you!) 

I am a restless kind of gal, always looking for the next adventure. I want excitement. I also want security. I like having nice, fun things. Except for, what is it that I am setting my sights on? What am I striving for? Where do I place my worth? Why am I chasing the things I chase?

Achievement, success, abundance, adventure. These are worthy pursuits, as long as the purpose is worship. Am I chasing God, or am I chasing things? Am I seeking approval so that I can feel really good about me (such a fleeting goal) or am I seeking to show other beggars where to find the Living Water? (Such an eternal, worthy, life giving pursuit.)

The following verse sums up the entire reason for avoiding temporal longings. 1 Peter 2:12 says: "Live such good lives among the pagans that... they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us." 

And so, Dear Ones. What are you pursuing? The things that moth and rust destroy, or the imperishable treasures of heaven?