We are also in the process of organizing our move. We are currently searching for a place to live, and selling most of our large possessions so that we don't have to hassle with taking them with us. (And so that we can pay our rent!) We've suprisingly sold most of what we were hoping would go... and as I was mulling over my day I suddenly felt sad that my stuff was being separated, and passed out... a lot of it for much, much less than we paid for it. Then I was reminded by the Lord of my true value... value that could only be found in the blood of Christ. I am not worth the things that I own, and I should not find my solace in these things that are unimportant. I am a traveler here... a stranger in a land that I will never be comfortable in. Mattew 8:20 speaks of the cost of following Jesus. In fact, Jesus himself speaks of the cost. When a man said to Jesus "Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go." He said "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." Will I accept this? Will I choose Christ even if it means discomfort? Will I choose Christ even if it means sacrifice? Yes. And I will find my worth in the eyes of the one who made me! I will not be sad, but grateful for the opportunity to serve, and I am humbled that, though I am unworthy, I have been entrusted with these earthly treasures, for the Lord's purpose.
Please continue to pray for us. For our move and for us to have faith that the Lord will provide for our daily needs.
And I with you, daughter.