And, the kids were so whiny... we are still getting over a cold/flu thing... parenting is a challenge here in such a small, confined space. Its easy to get caught up in what we don't have... I constantly have to check my attitude, and then remind my babies about others. Lord, help me to not turn myself inward! Less of me... less of me!
We have found that renting a place out here is proving to be more difficult than we anticipated. I might be paranoid, but once folks hear that we have 4... count them 4! Small Ones they look down their noses at us. I've observed that there are actually a lot of large families out here in beautiful Colorado, but they tend to be in the lower income bracket, and renters don't really want to mess around with that. So, we are currently shopping for a house to buy. We have been talking about this for a long time, and planned to buy a house in the next year or so... our plans are just being accelerated, and we are excited that the Lord has blessed us with this opportunity NOW! This means that all of our other long-term goals are also going to happen faster than we planned. The low-income community is near Colfax, (the main street, that goes through Denver) so we are going to be looking in that area. We have driven through it several times, and the souls there are crying out. We are excited, excited, excited to meet them.
It snowed last night, while we were sleeping. I think that it has snowed about 3 or 4 times since we've been here. It is amazing... incredible... indescribable. I've seen snow before, but these times since moving here I am reminded, every time, of the gift of salvation. The turmoil of the clouds, the ugliness of the dead grass, the bone-chilling cold that permeates everything is wiped away... it becomes flawless and pure. There is beauty, and it is made new. And it all happens while I am sleeping.
This is my hope for the community that we are here to love. That they would know the peace, and the pure love of The Creator. The One who washes the earth clean with the rain. The One who covers the earth with snow. The One who makes the sun rise on a desolate world. The One who is responsible for the mountains, the stars, the ocean... He loves them! He loves THEM!
Not to worry about the pancakes, you will find a way to make them delicious. God has blessed you with the ability to make any place you live a home that shows God's love. I know God is preparing the hearts of your neighbors and the house God wants you to have will be avaiable for you soon.