Thursday, March 26, 2020

Attitudes in Isolation

I am tired of Coronavirus Conversations. They seem to be the only things that anyone has to talk about anymore. Unfortunately, many of the information people are discussing are the exaggerated reports the media presents.

Many statistics are lacking in important details. We are told how many died, we are told how many have been tested positive, but we are not made aware by charts and graphs of how many had underlying issues? How many tested positive were sent home and recovered just fine? How many do not even know they had it? Or, had it and stayed home with no testing whatsoever?

Now we're told that anyone who contracts the virus has decreased lung function and will probably die sooner. There is not enough information to present this as fact. Lung tissue regenerates after a smoker quits smoking. Why are we not presuming this is the case for the virus as well? Where are the peer reviewed, scientific articles demonstrating the claims in the media?

I caution you, if you read the new information, take it with a grain of salt. There is not enough time or energy yet devoted to proving these claims. Think with a mind directed by logic, not with one directed by fear.

So, now most of us are under stay at home orders. We must only leave if we have essential business. (Beer and wine, anyone?) For about two weeks now I have been thinking about how our walk with the Lord can feel invalidated when nobody is around to see.

We spend so much time in bible studies and church services "spurring one another on to love and good deeds" and talking about producing fruit. James even says "faith without action is dead." So, we are stuck at home, seemingly rendered fruitless.

For me, at least, I tend to think that there is no action to take, when we are at home going about our own personal business. The things we do, like cooking, cleaning, crafting, organizing, drinking our drinks... are not the things of the kingdom... right?

Well, sort of. It can be easy to claim "Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the Lord Jesus..." (1 Cor. 10:31) But developing fruit is less about the tangible, touchable daily things. While these are important, they are not the GOAL.

You see, the fruit that the Lord is asking us to develop is not to reach completion in our to do lists. We are not checking boxes. The fruit that the Lord is asking from us is a heart condition. Attitude and perspective. God wants to see our hearts changed. This is where "doing unto the Lord" becomes worship, instead of work.

Galatians 5:22 lists these attitudes of the heart. We know them as the Fruit of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  These attitudes are still relevant, even when we are alone. They do not only apply to our public behavior. They apply to our being. Our spirit person still exists, even when nobody is looking. Are you nurturing your spirit? Are you quenching the thirst of your soul even though you must be isolated right now?

When we struggle is when we have opportunity to grow. We see in our struggles where our great weaknesses are. This does not need to be a time of confusion and doubt. I have practiced making this a time of self reflection and seeking of clarity.

Philippians 4:8 says "Whatever is noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable... if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things." We shift our minds, from the fear inducing accounts of the world, and think on the things of Christ. 

We do not conform to the world's ideas, but renew our minds. 

What are things that I miss during quarantine? What are the things that I am relieved to be taking a break from? Should I continue in the activities that I am grateful to be freed from? What are the thoughts of my flesh that are invading my peace? What are the prevalent attitudes of my heart that are robbing me of my joy? I must work on this in the struggle, not in the ease. Then it will become habit, by choosing my thoughts moment after moment, after moment.

Is it easy? No. But it comes from waking each day with a resolve to walk in proper attitude.

When Coronavirus passes, and we step into a new society, with different struggles than before this happened, we want our minds to be prepared for action (1 Peter 1:13). I can't think of a better opportunity to work on this than forced isolation.

Be well, my Friends.

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