Saturday, June 27, 2020

It Feels Like Breathing

Once upon a time, when I was a music minister (and a different person) I met an older woman who had been playing the piano for many, many years. I don't remember the exact amount of years, but I remember my response when she told me how long. "Wow. It must feel like breathing to you."

"Yes. It gives me life."

Today, when my first born baby asked me what I was going to blog about I said "The blog will come together, but the concept is doing something that feels like breathing to you." "Oh. That would be drawing, for me."

I replied "Its like, the thing that comes the most naturally. You don't have to think about it too hard."

"Drawing is hard." Said the child; "Drawing takes a lot of work."

And now I am thinking that sometimes the things that feel like breathing aren't always easy. Sometimes we just love doing it and we don't know why... but there is a stirring within us that causes us to continue in that trajectory. Maybe the word for this feeling is worship.

I have had several emotional moments this week, as I was doing the job I get paid to do. This. This feels like breathing to me. It is a silly way to feel about skilled labor... but I feel this. The thing I am sad to see go at the end of my work day, and the thing I look forward to at the beginning.

Can you find Pinkie Pie Pony Pez Dispenser in my belt, there? Ha!

I wash windows. I wash commercial business windows. There are a lot of really cool small business owners out there. If you don't shop local, you should.

 I wash residential windows. I meet a lot of really neat home owners. Sometimes it takes me a really, really long time to wash one window because I am so busy hanging out with a new friend. There are a lot of really lonely people out there. If you don't talk to your neighbors, you should.

I also disinfect businesses for Covid-19. That job makes me feel like a bad ass superhero. When I brought my equipment home for a couple of hours one day my boys reverently scooped up my goggles and breathing mask and said "You wear a gas mask for your job?!?"

I'm not just bragging about my work. Not everyone gets to have the best job ever... but I do think that if you examine your life you will find those things in your day that brings you to a place of feeling worth. A place of worship that is not church-like or religious.

Paul reminds us that whether we eat or drink, or whatever we do, we should do for the glory of God. All of our actions should transcend mindless doing. The purpose of our actions should serve to glorify God.

We were created to worship the Creator. So, happy worshiping, Dear Ones.

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