Saturday, May 16, 2020

Look Around

I have two finches, Leonardo and Lolita, and a Canary. The Canary's name is Saffron. They live in a very large flight aviary that I saved my money to purchase for them. I prepared a place for them before I chose them. 

Leonardo and Lolita are super cute. They beep and meep. They behave in the hyperactive way that finches do. Sometimes I will put seeds in the palm of my hand and Brave Lolita will come and sit on me and eat. Cautious Leonardo will hop from perch to hand, issuing stern warnings to his companion.

The kids like their laser sounds. I got them because when I was working on my Bachelor's degree I needed something to keep me company in my office. The endless amounts of work I was doing left me feeling lonely and isolated. They did their job well. They continue to serve their purpose, by simply being birds, and I delight in watching them. 

Saffron is sweet. Whenever I would come back home after hours of attending classes she would hear me unlock the front door, and begin to "TWEEET!" She would only stop if I went into the room and greet her. I would speak to her, and she would tweet back for a few minutes. 

Now that I am home all the time she still calls out to me. Usually she is asking for me to fill her food dishes, and sometimes to wash her water dish and give her fresh warm water to bathe in. She says "TWEET! TWEEEEET!" and I come running. After I have filled her food dishes she sits on them and tweets her thanks. I say "You're welcome, Pretty Saffron. You are such a pretty and polite yellow bird. I like you an awful lot. I'm so glad you're the Canary that lives in my house with me." 

Saffron makes me think of Genesis, when Adam and Eve lived in the beautiful garden that God made for them, and he would come and walk with them. I think of the way the humans' hearts must have leapt for joy when they heard his footprints.  

I think of Jesus, the God-Man who left heaven to walk earth with his beloved creation. Even though we were fallen and in need, he came to give us what we didn't even know we longed for. 

I think of how, when I call out to Holy Spirit, He sings over me. Maybe I have a need, and maybe I simply want to feel His presence near me.  "Daughter, you are loved. You are called and purposed. I knew you before your existence, and I knit every cell in your body together. I prepared a place for you in my Kingdom. Your worth doesn't need to be earned, because you are simply you, and I chose you." 

Ah, nature. Ah, creation. There are ribbons of God's grace surrounding us. We need only to look around. 

And so, be observant Dear Ones. 

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