Saturday, May 23, 2020

Re-Write Your Narrative

We finished school. We're headed into Summer Vacay. All of our plans have been ruined because of Corona Virus.

We can't go to the stampede because it got cancelled, which means I can't wear my cowgirl hat and cowgirl boots.

We can't swim in any of the swimming pools because they're closed.

Our yard has a ton of junk in it because Greeley cancelled Spring Cleanup day.

There will be no free Downtown Greeley outdoor concerts, which means there will be no petting doggos on leashes, no making new friends, no fire spinning, no ice cold beer in go-cups, and no dancing in the square.

And on top of that why can't I find butter at the grocery store?

The other day I was sitting with my sweet boy on our couch in front of our open window and he said "I hate Summer. Its too hot." and I said, "What season is your favorite?" And he said "Winter. I like winter because even if its cold outside I can be warm inside. In Summer it is hot outside and hot inside."

And I told him that we must take the seasons the way God gives them. We can have favorite seasons, and not like other seasons, but they have been given and allowed by God just the same.

And, sometimes we must re-write the narrative we live in. If it was not for the heat of Summer, we would not appreciate the cold of winter.

All of our plans have been changed because of Corona Virus.

The stampede has been cancelled, and our tickets have been credited to next year's event. We get first choice on what concerts and events we will attend. Maybe I can wear my cowgirl hat and cowgirl boots to one of those line-dancing shindigs. That would be a blast!

The pools are closed. Am I really that disappointed? I don't even like swimming pools. I always get too cold in them.

Our yard has junk. We get to find new, creative ways to re-purpose old wood planks we would have just thrown away. Save the sea turtles!

No Downtown Greeley Friday Fests? Perhaps we can have a fire pit in our backyard every Friday, and invite friends, and make our real relationships stronger. Maybe we can create a habit with our friends that will carry over to next summer when Friday Fests start again. Then we will have a solid group of Christ followers who can go to Downtown together and be the church in a new context.

The butter thing... its a privilege issue, right? To have nothing else to be upset about except that I haven't been able to find butter for two weeks?

Happy narrating, Dear Ones!

1 comment:

  1. Summer appreciation because of a cold winter is just like a victory. But only because there was a battle!
